About Our Club

Sinovision interviews some of our students who reflect on why they decided to pursue Chinese martial arts as a life long endeavor. Additionally, they give their insights on what studying at our club means to them and how it enriches their lives.

”It’s more than just a martial art, it’s also really a way of living and a way of conducting one self.”

Sifu Wing Hong Yip

Prior to his emigration to New York City, Sifu Yip commenced his Dragon Style Kung Fu training in Hong Kong with Grandmaster Cho Sum 曹森.  Cho Sum is a Dragon Style disciple under Great Grandmaster Lam Yiu Gwai 林耀桂 and a practitioner of Bak Mei 白眉 Kung Fu.  In addition to Wu Style Tai Chi and lion dance, Sifu Yip is a Chinese history and literature scholar.  He is an alumnus of Chu Hai College of Higher Education 香港珠海學院.

Some highlights:

- 2018 recipient of the the New York City Council’s proclamation for distinguished service and lifetime achievements in martial arts and journalism

- Action Director for the Hong Kong movie, The Illegal Immigrant 非法移民

- 38 years of journalism experience as both a crime and community affairs reporter and photographer

- Co-author of Dragon of Concrete Jungles

Interview with Sifu Yip

Sinovision interviews Yip Wing Hong, while he reflects on his long 38-year career in journalism. He reflects on the highlights of his profession, including memorable news events. In addition to being a journalist, Sifu Yip is a photographer who captured many historical moments and individuals who he crossed paths with. Additionally, Mr. Yip has been teaching kung fu for five decades.

Instructor J. Yip

A lifelong learner, Mr. Yip studied Dragon Style Kung Fu with Sifu Yip and Grandmasters Ho Lai 何禮 and Lau Wing Hong 劉永康.  Additionally, his martial arts background includes Wu Style Tai Chi 武郝式太極拳, Bak Mei 白眉派 Kung Fu and the traditional lion dance. 

Outside of martial arts, he completed an executive management program at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Anderson School of Management that focuses on, among others, strategy, management and leadership. Mr. Yip regularly serves as a guest panel speaker on the subjects of leadership and labor and management relations. He has spoken at NYU, Penn State University, Fordham University and the University of Arkansas.

Some highlights:

- Instructor and co-owner (2018-Present), Assistant Instructor (1997-2018) 

- Thirty years of training, teaching and performing martial arts and lion dance

- 20 years of professional industry experience across various sectors, including managing and leading teams

- Co-author of Dragon of Concrete Jungles

In Memoriam

  • Sigung Ho Lai 師公何禮

    While living in the Guangdong province of China, Great Grandmaster Lam Yiu Gwai林耀桂 taught Sigung Ho Lai師公何禮 Dragon Style during the 1940s.  Upon emigrating to New York, he passed his knowledge to our Club members beginning in 1989. He trained many students in both Guangdong, China and New York City.  Sigung Ho was a prolific practitioner of Dragon Style and Lion Style Kung Fu, and Wu Style Tai Chi.  Every morning for over 70 years, he woke up at 5 AM and practiced his kung fu and tai chi.  On Sunday mornings, Ho Lai would instruct our students, and he was very old school (in a good way) with his teaching and knowledge of Chinese martial arts.  

    He had high expectations of technical precision, tangible outcomes from our applications, and the efficacy of our techniques without any flamboyance.  His legacy now rests with those who had the privilege to learn from him.

  • Sifu Lee Sun Kit師傅李新傑

    Sifu Lee Sun Kit李新傑 of Pak Mei白眉 Kung Fu co-founded the club with Sifu Yip. Lee Sun Kit studied Pak Mei with Kwok Chi Cheung郭熾昌 in Hong Kong. Kwok Chi Cheung studied Pak Mei with Great Grandmaster Cheung Lai Chuen張禮泉. While in Hong Kong, both Sifus Yip and Lee performed numerous lion dances together for many festivities. Sonny Lee was always an entrepreneur at heart. In 1986, he co-founded the High Pearl Seafood Restaurant鳳凰閣海鮮菜館 in Elmhurst, Queens. The restaurant is prominent for its high-quality traditional Cantonese cuisine and has been in successful operation to this day. His legacy through his Pak Mei Kung Fu lives on with Sifu Yip and our students.

  • Sigung Lau Wing Hong師公劉永康

    Sigung Lau Wing Hong劉永康 was the last living disciple of Great Grandmaster Lam Yiu Gwai林耀桂 . Sigung Lau commenced his study of Dragon Style Kung Fu in 1942. Sigung Lau paved the way for Sigung Ho Lai to learn Dragon Style Kung Fu from Lam Yiu Gwai. In 1989, after emigrating to New York City from Hong Kong, he would dedicate his time and energy to training students at Yip’s Dragon Style Kung Fu. Like Lam Yiu Gwai, Sigung Lau did not obfuscate any information from our students. He readily shared his vast knowledge with us. Along with Sifu Yip Wing Hong, Mr. Lau takes full credit for improving and upskilling our students’ proficiency with the musical instruments that accompany the lion dance, along with performing the lion. After his retirement from teaching and during the pandemic, he celebrated our club’s 47th anniversary on Zoom. Countless students will miss Lau Wing Hong and his generosity and benevolence will not be forgotten.